Jacob North

Software Engineer | Javascript | React | Redux | Express | Python | Flask

Hey! Welcome to my professional corner! My name is Jacob North and I'm a passionate software engineer specializing in full-stack web application development.

I'm an alumnus of App Academy, a highly selective and rigorous coding boot camp. I committed more than 1600 hours there, learning diverse technologies and programming languages including Javascript, Python, SQL, HTML, CSS. I've worked extensively with frameworks and tools such as React, React Native, Express, Redux, Node.js, PostgreSQL, AWS, Socket.io, Git, Flask, and SQLAlchemy.

During my time at App Academy, I immersed myself in hundreds of hours of paired programming and designed two robust full-stack projects individually, as well as collaboratively with a team.

Post-graduation, I transitioned into the role of an Assistant Instructor, then a Cohort Instructor, for the Full Stack Software Engineering Program at App Academy. As an instructor, I've engaged students with interesting lectures on software engineering, covering topics from data structures to design patterns. Additionally, I've mentored students through agile development processes, always encouraging clean, maintainable code, and efficient algorithms. The focus of my teaching has also been the use of cutting-edge frameworks for comprehensive full-stack development.

In my free time, you'll find me reading, hiking, walking the beach or hitting up some strength and conditioning training.


Programming Languages & Tools



A lightweight discord clone

Coffeehouse is a lightweight discord clone that allows users to message each other in real time using socket.io.

Live site

Github repo


A lightweight Instagram clone

Instaounce is a lightweight Instagram clone that allows users to post and view images using AWS S3, follow other users, like other users photos and comment on photos. socket.io.

Live site

Github repo


Palm Bay, FL · (810) 444-0871 · yakenorth@gmail.com